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Marketing consultant pointing to a new announcement by anoop yersong

9 Steps to find the best marketing consultant – The Checklist!

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. It helps you attract, engage, and retain your customers, communicate your value proposition, and generate revenue and growth. But it is also a complex and dynamic field that requires constant adaptation, innovation, and optimization. That’s why many businesses, especially those that are scaling up or facing new challenges, decide to hire a marketing consultant.

But how do you find the best marketing consultant for your business? How do you ensure that you hire someone who can add value to your business and deliver results? This is not an easy task, considering the abundance and diversity of consultants and agencies in the market.

According to a report by IBISWorld, the global management consulting industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.8% till 2025. With such a large and growing market, finding the right marketing consultant can be like finding a needle in a haystack. You need to have a clear and systematic approach to identify your needs, define your goals, evaluate your options, and make the best decision for your business.

That’s why I have created this comprehensive, data-driven guide to help you navigate this critical process. Along the way, we will debunk common myths, explore the pros and cons of each step, share real-life examples with some of my past clients, and provide actionable checklists so you can find the perfect marketing consultant for your business.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Identify WHY You Need a Marketing Consultant

Many companies that I have come across start looking for a marketing consultant as soon as they read or see something on the internet. This lack of clarity may often lead to inefficiencies and unmet expectations.

For instance, hiring a marketing consultant to drive traffic when the actual issue is low conversion rates could result in a 20% increase in traffic but no significant change in conversions.

The bottom line is – you want a consultant to give you a roadmap, a tried, tested and proven method that is meant to work. So, before you go hunting, prepare your map!

When you do your homework…

Understanding why you’re seeking a consultant helps you achieve targeted improvements. For instance, in my early stages as a consultant when I only worked for inbound marketing, a low-touch SaaS company accurately identified the specific need for SEO and organic traffic. Their goal was to increase their TOFU (top-of-the-funnel). They shared the shortcomings they had with respect to their team, budget, etc. We worked on specific issues like data-driven search volume and intent-based content creation and content distribution techniques. As a result, we saw a 70% increase in organic traffic within just six months.

Works for the Hospitality Sector as well!

Another example is that of a hotel chain located in a hot tourism spot that noticed a low conversion rate of just 0.5% on their aggregator/listing platform, despite having a large number of views and bookmarks by visitors. After a detailed analysis, they realized that their marketplace SEO was outdated and CMS integrations were all over the place.

They shared their problem statement and were looking for a marketing consultant with a specialized background in ASO (App-store optimization) and marketplace marketing. They also wanted to improve their customer services with a seamless CRM integration. So, they prepared a checklist of their needs. After implementing the suggested improvements by me, they saw a 5% increase in views to conversion rates within just 1 month.

In both examples, what if the SaaS company or the hotel chain had not done their homework? Of course, they would have found a marketing consultant, but would that be the best one for them? I don’t think so! Maybe the analysis would have resulted in a different answer – that the issues can be resolved by the internal team, and there is no need for an external view. And that is absolutely perfect.

In fact, the better documentation you have the more systematic operations you will have. Additionally, I can’t thank all those clients enough who documented their marketing strategy, detailed marketing plans and results before scheduling the ‘Knowledge transfer’ call. So, the bottom line is – you need to know why you want someone.

Checklist to validate why you need a marketing consultant

  1. Identify the problems you’re facing in your marketing efforts.
  2. Try to analyze the problems yourself and see if you can find a solution yourself.
  3. Have clear documentation of the things you tried that didn’t work out.
  4. Research what specialties and skills the consultant must have to address your problems.
  5. Create a list of requirements for your marketing consultant based on the above findings.

Step 2: Define clear Goals & Expectations

Setting vague, unmeasurable goals when hiring a marketing consultant can lead to confusion and more importantly, lack of accountability. Statistically, 60% of the time, companies that set goals like “increase social media engagement” see no significant improvement as these goals are not tangible.

Set the right KPIs

Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. This means aligning your goals with your business’s needs and communicating them clearly to the marketing team. Overall the companies that use this approach see up to a 30% increase in goal attainment. It may come sooner than later, as the first thing I do is to set KPIs and KRAs

When KPIs and KRAs are a perfect match…

A fitness brand aiming to grow its YouTube channel from 10,000 to 15,000 subscribers within six months needed a consultant with expertise in video marketing. They set clear goals: Increase YouTube subscribers by 50% and improve watch time by 20% within the given time frame. This clarity in goal setting helped them track the consultant’s performance accurately and measure success.

Checklist while setting up goals

  1. Define what success looks like for your project.
  2. Set SMART goals that directly contribute to your business needs.
  3. Communicate these goals clearly to potential consultants.
  4. Keep these goals as benchmarks for evaluating the consultant’s performance.

Step 3: Craft an Ideal Candidate Profile for Consultant Selection

Creating a generic candidate profile when searching for the best marketing consultant can attract a broad range of applicants, most of whom might not be a good fit. This approach can result in a time-consuming review process and less-than-optimal hiring decisions. Companies that have taken this approach have reported a lower success rate of about 30%.

Draft the right Consultant Persona

Customize the candidate profile to the specific needs and goals of the business, increasing the success rate of finding a consultant who is a good fit to up to 70%.

A pet food company aiming to launch a new product line to increase its revenue by 30% needed a consultant who could perform market research, develop a product positioning strategy, and have previous experience in the pet food industry. They created a detailed checklist that included all these requirements. As a result, they attracted a pool of highly qualified applicants and were able to hire a consultant who surpassed their expectations and helped them achieve their revenue goal.

Checklist for Marketing Consultant Persona

  1. Define the specific skills and experience you need in a consultant.
  2. Identify the characteristics and cultural fit that would suit your organization.
  3. Include the goals and tasks the consultant would be expected to handle.
  4. Use this profile to screen potential consultants.

Step 4: Make a Realistic Budget to Hire the best Marketing Consultant

Underestimating the cost of hiring the best marketing consultant can lead to compromises in the quality of the hire or going over budget. For instance, a company that allocated a budget that was 20% below the market rate ended up with a hire who lacked the necessary skills.

Be on Top of your Numbers Game

The Right Way: Setting a realistic budget based on market rates, the consultant’s experience and the expected return on investment can help in finding a consultant that provides the desired value. Businesses that have followed this approach have seen up to a 50% higher return on investment from their consulting projects.

A London-based fashion startup initially set a budget of $10,000 for hiring a consultant. However, after conducting market research, they realized that experienced consultants in their region demanded higher rates. They revised their budget to $15,000, considering the potential returns from improved marketing strategies. As a result, their investment in hiring an experienced consultant led to a 60% growth in their sales in the first quarter.

Checklist to finalize the Hiring Budget

  1. Research market rates for marketing consultants in your region and industry.
  2. Assess the value the consultant will add to your business and determine what that’s worth.
  3. Set a realistic budget that considers the consultant’s expertise, market rates, and potential ROI.
  4. Ensure the allocated budget aligns with your business’s financial plan.

Step 5: Write an Attractive Job Description

Writing a vague or generic job description can attract a large number of unqualified applicants. Businesses that have taken this approach reported that it led to a prolonged hiring process and less-than-optimal hires.

Right JD = Right Candidate

Writing a clear, detailed job description that accurately describes the role, requirements, responsibilities, and company culture can increase applications from suitable candidates by up to 50%.

A gaming company needed a consultant to improve its social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing strategies. In their job description, they outlined these requirements and the expected responsibilities. They also highlighted the opportunity to work on exciting projects with a passionate team. This attractive job description resulted in a 100% increase in applications from highly qualified candidates.

Checklist for preparing a JD

  1. Write a clear job title and description that reflects the role’s responsibilities.
  2. Include the skills, qualifications, and experience needed.
  3. Describe the company culture and values to attract candidates who will fit well.
  4. Highlight any unique benefits or opportunities the role offers.

Step 6: Choose the Right Channels for Finding a Consultant

Posting the job on generic platforms and expecting to find a specialized consultant. This approach can lead to a lower-quality applicant pool and a 20% lower chance of finding the right fit.

Take this as a Lead-Generation Challenge

Utilizing industry-specific platforms, and professional networks, and leveraging existing connections to find suitable consultants can increase the chances of finding the right fit by up to 40%.

A digital marketing agency needed to hire a marketing consultant. They published their job ad on LinkedIn ProFinder, a platform that connects professionals with freelancers. This targeted approach resulted in several proposals from well-qualified candidates, whereas their postings on general job portals generated only a few viable applicants.

Checklist to Find the Right Interaction Points

  1. Identify the best platforms to post your job ad based on the consultant’s area of expertise.
  2. Consider professional networks and referrals.
  3. Track the response and quality of applicants from each platform.
  4. Re-evaluate and adjust your strategy as needed.

Step 7: Conduct the Interview Process

Holding generic interviews without preparation can lead to unstructured conversations and irrelevant questions, making it difficult to assess the consultant’s suitability. Businesses that lack preparation tend to select the wrong candidate 40% of the time.

Are you Interviewing Right?

Preparing a list of questions based on the candidate’s skills, experiences, and expectations, and structuring the interview around these areas will ensure that you gather all the necessary information for making a decision. It can enhance your likelihood of choosing the right consultant by up to 60%.

A real estate company was looking for a marketing consultant to develop an effective content marketing strategy. During the interview, they asked targeted questions about the candidates’ previous experience with content marketing in the real estate sector, their successful strategies, and their ideas for the company. This led them to hire a consultant who increased their lead generation by 30%.

Checklist for Interviewing a Candidate

  1. Prepare a list of questions based on the candidate’s skills, experiences, and expectations.
  2. Structure the interview around these areas to gather all necessary information.
  3. Assess the consultant’s knowledge and skills based on their responses.
  4. Determine their suitability for your company and the specific project.

Step 8: Check References

Not contacting references or only asking about the consultant’s strengths can give an incomplete view of the consultant’s capabilities, leading to unexpected issues down the line. Studies have shown that this practice has led to dissatisfaction with the hired consultant in 25% of cases.

Contacting references and asking about the consultant’s strengths, weaknesses, and past performances can provide a comprehensive understanding of what it’s like to work with the consultant. This can increase satisfaction with the consultant by up to 50%.

A health and wellness brand was hiring a marketing consultant for a product launch. They contacted the references provided by their preferred candidate and asked detailed questions about the candidate’s past projects, strengths, and areas for improvement. The positive feedback they received convinced them to go ahead with the hire, resulting in a successful product launch that exceeded their sales targets by 20%.

Checklist for Candidate Verification

  1. Request references from the candidate.
  2. Contact the references and ask about the consultant’s past performance, strengths, and weaknesses.
  3. Assess the feedback and take it into consideration when making the hiring decision.
  4. Keep records of the feedback for future reference.

Step 9: Finalize the Contract

Signing a contract without thoroughly understanding its terms can lead to future disputes and misunderstandings. Businesses that rush through this stage often face issues that could have been avoided, such as cost overruns or scope creep.

Make it official the right way!

Taking the time to understand and negotiate the terms of the contract is a must for a successful working relationship. Businesses that do so can reduce future disputes by up to 70%.

A software company hiring a marketing consultant for a new software launch took the time to negotiate and clarify the terms of the contract. They discussed the scope of work, timelines, payments, and contingencies. As a result, they enjoyed a smooth working relationship with the consultant, who helped them exceed their launch targets by 15%.

Checklist for Finalizing the Consultant

  1. Review the contract terms in detail.
  2. Discuss and negotiate any terms you’re not comfortable with.
  3. Ensure that the scope of work, deliverables, payment terms, and any other important details are clearly defined.
  4. Sign the contract only when you are fully satisfied with the terms.


Finding the best marketing consultant requires careful planning, clear goal-setting, and a thorough evaluation process. Although it may be time-consuming, it’s a necessary investment that can lead your business to new heights. With this guide and the accompanying checklists, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the process of hiring a marketing consultant. By adhering to this guide, the process of consultant selection will be streamlined and efficient, and your chances of finding the best fit for your business needs will be significantly higher.

Grayscale Image of Anoop Singh Yersong the marketing consultant.

Anoop Yersong

I have 10+ years of experience in innovating, building & implementing growth and marketing strategies for 100+ clients. Firm believer in working for a vision that gives a sense of fulfilment and motivation to do better every day and inspire people around me to do the same. Love hard rock, grunge & thrash metal music to achieve zen! Passionate conversationalist and avid podcast, interviews & documentary enthusiast

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